“It was fantastic, we received a lot of enthusiasm and positive feedback” the words of Vincenzo Mattia – CEO Vins Motors – at the end of the presentation event at the Ace Cafè London. The latter is one of the most iconic biker hangouts in history and the spiritual home of the original ‘cafe racer’ motorcycle.
Starting with the van from Maranello (MO), the Vins Motors Team was welcomed at the Ace Cafe London by a crowd of enthusiasts. The fans was waiting for touch our two-stroke super light Duecinquanta Strada. This last one is realized according to the high craftsmanship made in Italy.
Following the strong interest received at Eicma for our Duecinquanta Strada UK-homologated, was reconfirmed also at the event of presentation. An event created ad hoc to explain all the technical details of which our two-stroke super light is distinguished. At the end of the presentation, the Vins Motors Team had the opportunity to answer all the curiosities of the fans and to create a pleasant moment of dialogue before the show the sound of our Duecinquanta Strada outside the Ace Cafe London.
Special Guest
Our friend Mike ‘Spike’ Edwards, a British rider, was a special guest for the event. In his palmares various national titles, a FIM Euro championship title and the title of wins on the road races at Macau GP, and Northwest 200. Mike knows very well our Vins Duecinquanta Strada and it is a pleasure for us to receive his support. Last summer in fact, he was our guest in Maranello and had the pleasure of riding our Duecinquanta Strada.
Extra Date
Following Thursday night’s success, Ace Cafe London invited us to stay for another night. Friday night we continued to receive many fans. It was a really nice experience and we thank everyone who participated.